Privacy Policy


The ones who access the ARTIFICERS MINI website (referred to as “User”) agree with this Privacy Policy, without limitation or qualification, acknowledging that these terms will prevail in relation to any agreements between the User and the website, as well as with the ARTIFICER MINI Terms of Use. If the User does not agree with the Privacy Policy or the Terms of Use, one must not use the website.

This document aims to establish and explain the privacy rules to Users who access the ARTIFICER MINI website (, the collection of information and how it may be used.

1. Data collection:

Data can be personal or anonymized. Personal data refers to information related to the identified or identifiable natural person, while anonymized data is information that does not allow to determine the individual, only reasonable and available technical means of the characteristics of a subject.

The data (personal or anonymized) will be collected (i) voluntarily by the Users, when inserted in the website, when creating an account, during navigation, interaction with content and purchase of services; (ii) in an automated manner and without the need for any action by the User, for example: cookies; or (iii) from partners who have obtained authorization to share them with ARTIFICERS MINI.

Among the data that may be included by ARTIFICERS MINI are: name, address, email, age, gender, personal preference information such as your preferred software and interests.

Children and adolescents under the age of 18 must not submit any personal information to the website or to ARTIFICERS MINI. Once data from users under the age of 18 is identified, the information will be excluded from the records.

ARTIFICERS MINI advises parents to accompany their children when registering on the website and purchasing services and products.

2. Use of data:

ARTIFICERS MINI does not store the User's financial or banking data, except for what is necessary to identify the payment for services and products. Furthermore, it undertakes to protect the User's personal data, not providing or sharing it with third parties. It is noted that one may be obliged to disclose personal information in response to lawful requests from public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements.

The data collected may be used for the User's identification, authentication and authorization; properly respond to your requests and queries; provide support; improve the use and interactive experience while browsing the website; carry out statistics, studies, researches, project planning and surveys relevant to the User's activities and behavior when using the website; promote ARTIFICERS MINI and its partners' services; inform one about news, features, contents and other relevant information on the website; collaborate and/or comply with a court requirement or request by a competent authority; proceed with payment requests made by the User; send newsletters and emails that the User expressly agreed to receive when registering on the site; manage risk and detect, prevent and/or remediate frauds or other potentially illegal or prohibited activities, violations of applicable policies or terms of use; consult the data to verify the veracity and if they are up to date.

The User can always choose not to receive future correspondence, according to the link that will be attached to the email.

Only in exceptional cases can ARTIFICERS MINI disclose User information, when there are reasons to contact one or take legal action, for disobeing the rules of ARTIFICERS MINI company.

The User is solely responsible for the secrecy and use of all acts in the use of one's account (login and password). If the User identifies or suspects that a third party has access to one's password, one must change it directly in the systems or services. The User sharing the login and password may cause the cancellation of one's account.

3. Data storage:

The collected data is stored in a secure location. At any time, the User may request the exhibition, correction or exclusion of one's data, with the exception that the data may be kept for legal compliance, auditing and preservation of rights, for the period necessary to fulfill these responsibilities.

ARTIFICERS MINI is exempt from any liability for any damages and/or losses resulting from failures, viruses or intrusions into the ARTIFICERS MINI website database, since it is known that no security system is infallible. However, if any of these situations are identified, the affected Users will be promptly informed about the breach of their data and indicating that they adopt the appropriate measures.

The data obtained from the User may be stored on its own server or on a server of a third party hired for this purpose, and may even be allocated in any country, by a company with credibility and specialized in data storage security.

Considering the data collected may be operated on servers located in various jurisdictions, including the United States and Europe. When the User accesses or uses the website, personal information may be transferred to locations where the servers are located.

4. General provisions:

This Privacy Policy may be updated or modified at any time, without prior notice or consent from the User. Therefore, the User must check this content whenever accessing the website.

The website does not knowingly allow the use of malware, spyware, viruses and/or other similar types of software.

ARTIFICERS MINI is not responsible for the content, information or practices of third parties websites that may be linked to ARTIFICERS MINI website.

The User is solely responsible for the messages contents that one posts on ARTIFICERS MINI forums, such as chat rooms and bulletin boards. User agrees that when one voluntarily discloses personal information (e.g. username, email address, phone number) on bulletin boards or chat areas, that information may be collected and used by others, and may result in unsolicited messages from others. In this situation, the User is solely responsible for the consequences of the personal information disclosed.

Complaints or doubts may be asked by the means of contact with ARTIFICERS MINI:

Last update: August 21, 2022.